Welcome to the modere family
I'm very excited you are here - and, always available to help! I'm here to
make an impact, let me help speed up your progress, that is why I joined the
#1 Mentors in the #1 Company with the #1 Products, in huge gratitude. let's go!
Step ONE: Check your WELCOME email from Modere to find your referral links and set up your Modere Pay info!
Your custom shiftingretail.com is what you will send someone that wants to join the business with you.
Your modere.com/referralcode link is what you send to someone that wants to shop for products;
Your referral code gives $25 off a $99 purchase, $10 off any less and bigger purchases = bigger discount for your new clients first orders. Encourage your clients to tap subscribe to receive free shopping credits, $25 for example - the cart is 100% flexible and can be emptied or adjusted as needed. Free shipping occurs at $150, and we have sales twice month, mid-month and month end, sales may include gifts, so it's a great way to keep engaged with prior clients.
ONE TEAM GLOBAL is where you will do your initial training, as soon as you are accepted into the group, go to GUIDES and begin with 1, 2, 3 and so on. Once you finish Guide 1, message the person that enrolled you (sponsor)! RESET AND SOUR is our smaller group, I'll be doing monthly giveaways. BOARDS app graphics
These smaller FB groups (above) have everything from shout-out templates to upcoming contests or SALES, turn notifications of these pages on to get the latest details!
This is Corporate Modere, the are start of month recognition, specials announced and often CEO and early information. Product trainings are also done here on a weekly basis with great tips.
This group is great for inviting friends, protential customers or potential team-mates to show that these products work on real people just like you and me, check the rules before commenting and posting, no photoshop is allowed. We call this 3rd party validation and it helps people decide to try the product or biz.
Following your Guide 1, 2, 3, trainings and a SALE, we will add you in the group CHAT where there are meeting reminders, inspirational tips, quickly answered questions 24/7, celebrate you and your team-mates wins, it's support and collaboration to help you succeed and HAVE FUN!
These are optional and very helpful - Tuesday night is weekly opportunity (30 minutes) to invite anyone interested in the business, top leaders rotate speaking and explaining "how it works" and "how everyone can do great here". These are great to watch too, even if you're already in, you will learn how to share! Check the "Chat" on Tuesday for the graphic to invite.

What is amazing - all repeat orders are commission for you! Make a list of 100 people that you can share something with and send your link offering your discount code. Let go of the outcome and just share the info, no worries if they don't want to try.
IG & FB stores are also a great way to share, cover logos and add your link for sales.
Create the "link" in shareable cart on the modere app (under account)
Watch here how to add to stories or send a link for a "shareable cart", I prefer the cart since that this is the way your name pops up right away.